
Vaccinate your feline companion to protect them from harmful diseases.

All kitten and cats should be current on their vaccinations, both for their own health and the health and safety of their families.

Does my indoor cat need to be vaccinated?

Definitely, we tailor indoor cat needs to their lifestyle. They need protection from rabies and easily transmitted upper respiratory infections.

What is FVRCP and the core vaccine for cats?

All cats should be vaccinated for the core diseases; rabies, feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia.

How often does my adult cat need vaccinations?

Your adult cat needs an annual physical exam and a review of vaccines every year. Some cats need yearly vaccines depending on their lifestyle.

Is there any risk associated with vaccines?

Occasionally, a car may be a bit sore where the vaccine is given or develop a fever. These reactions are uncommon and easily treated.

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