Veterinary Pet Dental Cleanings

There’s been a lot of controversy these days about local establishments offering dental cleanings. Your veterinarian is also recommending a dental cleaning for Fluffy. Let’s discuss the differences.

When Fluffy visits the groomer/boarding facility a dental cleaning could just mean brushing the teeth with a tasty toothpaste. It could be more in depth and actually involve getting the tartar off. But, there are many tooth surfaces of teeth that are not accessible while the pet is being manually restrained. They also can’t reach beneath the gum line where tartar can still accumulate and do its damage.

When tartar is removed it is creating little micro-etches which increases surface area for new tartar to accumulate. To decrease this surface area, your vet will use a polisher to smooth all tooth surfaces.

A dental cleaning under anesthetic will allow proper charting for any abnormalities such as cavities or broken teeth. Our tools, much like the ones we see in human dental offices, will assess how well our gums are attached to the teeth. Any pockets between the gums and teeth will accelerate periodontal disease. Radiographs are completed to examine below the gum line as well for any evidence of a building abscess.

It goes without saying, a dental cleaning becomes a more comprehensive exam. At these alternative facilities, the teeth may look cleaned, but we’re risking unidentified problems that could cause some serious health concerns. The benefits of a cleaning at the vet are numerous. Under anesthesia, a cleaning is pain free, no restraint is necessary, no risk of bites, and your pet was given a complete oral health exam and, if necessary, treatment.

If you’re specifically looking for a more thorough treatment for Fluffy’s dental concerns, please consider your local veterinarian. If you’re looking for extra assistance with home dental care give your groomer a call and see what services, they offer.

Written By: Holley